Monday, May 13, 2013

I Swear, They Are Doing Something...

Happy Mother's Day weekend.  We made it out to the Hideout yesterday to check on the progress of the foundation crew.  Trenches have been cut around the edge of the foundation and plumbing was placed.  Friday night we had a heavy thunderstorm and we could tell it eroded a lot of the trench work that will need to be cleaned up.  The crew will be out this week to finish up all levels and the trucks are scheduled to pour concrete on Friday.

It is difficult to imagine the footprint of each room and area, although having the plumbing in place provides some reference points.  We are really looking forward to having the cement on the ground to get a better feeling for the space.

The girls checking things out in their cowboy boots.

Making the leap down to the sunken living room.

The front porch...

The foundation site view from the front of the garage.

The kids whipped up some Mother's Day Flower balls.  Place you order for next year!

G standing on the back porch.

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