Friday, May 17, 2013

Final Foundation Prep

We got the word yesterday that the foundation was ready for concrete, and the trucks were scheduled to be on site at 7am Friday (today).  So we scooped the kids up and ran out there for a quick look before everything was covered.  It's impressive how much was done since we were there a few days ago.

Everything was nice and tidy.  It was much easier to visualize the rooms and their size.  This photo is from the front left corner of the house where the breezeway will be.  The white pipe on the left side of the shot is the drain pipe for the outdoor shower.

Here is the sunken living area shot from the front-right of the house.  The stairs will drop from left-to-right on the front wall of this room.

You would never know it from this picture but there is a lot of drama behind these giant steps.  This is part of the walkway between the garage (left) and the house (right).  Throughout the design process the garage and home were depicted at the same elevation and this walkway was flat.  But when the foundation crew set the framing there was a 26" drop from the garage to the house.  We had a few "discussions" with the builder and in the end we compromised hoping we put some project-karma in the bank we can withdraw when needed.  But rather than make the walkway flat with 5 steps right before the house we decided to space them out into larger 5' wide platforms.

This is a shot of the rear porch.  It is 60' long and 10' wide.  Looking forward to hanging out back here!

Here is the garage... nothing special here.

We're planning to get out to the house again this weekend to get some shots of the curing concrete.  should have another time-lapse video for the last 7 days, too.

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