Sunday, May 19, 2013

Foundation and Soccer Wrap-up

It was a crazy weekend!  Soccer tournaments on Saturday and Sunday for A and G.  Mama was coaching A's team and they played great.  G's team played the best 3 games of the season.  Weather in the mid 90's and we are all exhausted and proud.

We did manage to sneak out to the Hideout for a look at the concrete, and it looks great.  The kids were begging to run on the foundation but I was too nervous to let them after just 24 hours of curing.  No matter, they spend most of their time out here conquering a giant pile of dirt left here for future site work.  The stairs that form the breezeway turned out really nice - better than we had imagined.  Here is a shot standing at the house looking back up towards the garage:

Here they are from behind the garage facing the home.  

 Here is the sunken living area:

 We were slightly disappointed with the rear porch.  The porch elevation is suppose to meet the house just 1.5" below the main elevation, but the porch was about 4" lower.  Not the end of the world but it is a small aesthetic feature that was important to us.

 Here are a couple of the garage.

I should have another time lapse video up in a day or two.  Thanks for checking in.

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