Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Quick Update

Sign in the terminal
at the Grand Rapids Airport.

It has been a busy October for all of us.  Kids are heavily into their soccer season, and Roberta continues to build her legacy as a soccer coach.  The weather has finally yielded to Autumn temperatures, and some heavy rains have fallen in the area (finally).

3 Cedars Cider Mill
My cousin, who is an expert on
the region's cider mill donuts, rates
these among the best.
This past week I made a work trip up to Grand Haven, MI to tour a Herman Miller production facility.  It was excellent, of course. In addition to making some of the finest furniture in the world they can boast having a truly wonderful staff.  And from there I met my brother mid-state in Grand Rapids.  My best friend from college is the head brewer at Founder's Brewing so we dropped in for some excellent food, beer, and a tour of the facility.  It was excellent! From there we made the trip east to visit my parents, and nieces and nephews.  Mix in a visit to a Cider Mill, and the Greenfield Village Halloween event and it was a perfect weekend.

Since the last post the Hardie panel issues have been corrected and a lot of progress has been made. There were some delays due to the rain mentioned above, but we are moving forward.  And we still have hit a few bumps with material delivery, but we've settled into a mode where we accept (try to accept) this is going to be part of the process.   I don't have time to add more commentary but did want to get some updated photos posted before I get too far behind!

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