Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Tortoise and The Hare

The house (tortoise) continues to creep along.  The painters have finally returned and are almost done with interior and exterior paint.  The Grizzle Gray has been buried beneath 2 coats of Westchester Gray.  It is glorious and we're so glad we changed colors.
Grizzle Gray
Westchester Gray

The interior is painted Pure White (Sherwin Williams) and it is bright and crisp just as we hoped.  The painters will need to come back and hit the trim, shelving, and touch-up in a few weeks.  And beyond that there have been few other victories.  All of our interior doors have not arrived, and we have some issues with the sliding glass doors that a couple of guys are trying to figure out.  It has been a known issue for many months, and procrastination has finally run up against reality - this builder needs to quit avoiding the mistake and get it fixed.  The problem is with the framing, and also the foundation is slight wonky right where the aluminum frame rests on the slab. The solutions is still unidentified and they may need to re-frame the opening or purchase new doors.  This is a bummer.

We delivered all of the bathroom tile and grout 2 weeks ago, and the tile crew has been working this week to prep the floor, build a floor pan and get the tile installed.  And we have been asked to get all the light fixtures on site so the electrician can get them installed.  No problem, the pleasure is ours...

The pool (hare), on the other hand, is moving swiftly.  Gunite crew came out and shot the concrete in a day.  I couldn't be there but Roberta was, and she said it was amazing to see.  It took 5 trucks of concrete to finish it off.  The truck would arrive, they would blow the material into the frame and then it would leave to go to San Marcos for a refill.  They did this 5 TIMES.  That is a long day.  While the truck driver was wracking up mileage on central Texas freeways the crew would trowel the concrete into the appropriate shape.  Here is the result of their efforts.

Now that the concrete is curing we needed to go to the house every day for week and hose it down for 30 minutes.  Keeping the concrete wet slows the curing and yields a stronger structure.  The kids loved the job.

By the way, the yellow residue in the bottom of the pool is Live Oak tree pollen.  This time of year it's everywhere, and antihistamine sales are through the roof.

Thanks for stopping by.

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