Sunday, September 8, 2013

Framing Continues

We went back out to the site this weekend.  Progress continues - they have started framing the 2nd floor, installed some temporary steps and started the breezeway.  Snapped a few pictures shown below.  We actually crab-crawled up the stairs to get a sneak peak of the 2nd floor view.  The view was breathtaking, but the process was heart-racing for Berta.  Once she arrived at the top she lost her mind thinking she would never get back down.  There were several minutes of drama as we coached her back down.  I also need to introduce the dog, Travis.  He belongs to one of the neighbors and comes over to say hi every time we visit.  He is the size of a bear, but gentle, and always hunting for belly rubs.

Berta ascending the temporary stairs and remembering her extreme fear of heights.
View from 2nd floor...lake water MIA

Looking down the house from the mud room.  The short wall is where the kitchen island will be.

Addie hanging with Travis, the bear dog.

Standing in the slider opening contemplating the stairs.

Gavin and Addie ready to take your order in the kitchen.
Temporary Stairs - final install will be steel with PSL treads.
Front door
Panoramic house shot.

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